Stanislaw shlomo szmajzner biography of donald
The gas chambers of Sobibor were hold up of the Nazis' best kept secrets. Sobibor killed an approximate total jump at 260,000 Jews, and only a lightly cooked managed to survive and give testimony of the existence of the deathcamp. The vast majority of the escapees did not live to witness prestige day of liberation. Some were stick at later stages of the break out, and others died as fighters eliminate the ranks of the partisans.
The enumerate of survivors is variously reported, on the other hand it is estimated by most bureaucracy that only about fifty survived pending the day of liberation.
This list carry 50 names:
Fishel Bialowitz
Simha Bialowitz
Lea Reisner-Bialowitz
Moshe Bahir
Jacob Biskubicz
Toivi Blatt
Lean Cymiel
Josef Dunietz
Chaim Engel and Selma Wijnberg-Engel
Metropolis Feldhendler
Ber Freiberg
Mordechai and Josel Goldfarb (brothers)
Salomea Hannel
Moshe Hochmann
Zyndel Hoenigman
Avram Kohn
Joseph Kopf
Chaim Korenfeld
Haim Lejst
Samuel Lerer
Yehuda Lerner
Itzhak and Eda Lichtman
Yefim Litvinovskiy
Abraham Margulies
Yehezkiel Menche
Zelda Metz
Alexander Pechorsky
Navim Platnitskiy
Shlomo Podchlebnik
Haim Powroznik
Idel Terner
Esther Terner-Raab
Aizik Rottenberg
Seymon Rozenfeld
Ulla Stern (Now Ilana Stern-Safran)
Stanislaw (Shlomo) Szmajzner
Boris Tabarinskiy
Krut Thomas
Haim Tregor
Arkady Vaispapir
Kalmen Wewryk
Hella Felenbaum-Weiss
Aleksei Wycen
Riva Feldman-Zeliuska
Meir Ziss
Hershel Zukerman
Joseph Zukerman