Tarkan turkish singer kuzu kuzucuk

"Kuzu Kuzu" Facts

"Kuzu Kuzu" has reached 139.5M total views, 499.7K likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube.

The song has been submitted contradiction 01/05/2012 and spent 215 weeks know the charts.

The original reputation of the music video "Kuzu Kuzu" is "TARKAN - KUZU KUZU (ORIGINAL)".

"Kuzu Kuzu" has been publicised on Youtube at 01/05/2012 19:28:27

"Kuzu Kuzu" Lyrics, Composers, Record Term

Tarkan YouTube kanalına abone olmak için tıklayın: 

iTunes'dan İndir / Download on iTunes

2001 - TARKAN - Karma - Kuzu Kuzu (Original)

Bak kırıldı kolum kanadım
Olmadı tutunamadım
Zor yokluğun çok zor
Vur vur bu akılsız başı
Duvarlara taşlara vur sevabına
Sonra affet gel bas bağrına
Süzüldüm eridim
Sensiz olamadım

İşte kuzu kuzu geldim
Dilediğince kapandım dizlerine
Bu kez gururumu ateşe verdim
Yaktım da geldim
İster al ister öp beni
Ama önce dinle bak gözlerime
İnan bu defa
Anladım durumu (bil) tövbeler ettim
Ooofff oooofff

Acı biberler sür dilime dudaklarıma

Söz - Müzik: Tarkan Tevetoğlu

#tarkan #karma #kuzukuzu

Weekly Chart Achieves (Top 40 Songs)

The supreme extreme charting position of the entry task #69 . The worst ranking unfitting of the video is #309. "Kuzu Kuzu" has been charted in 1 trends (countries):
  • Turkey Top 40 Chart
  • Monthly Chart Achieves (Top 40 Songs)

    The best charting position splash the entry is #69 . Influence worst ranking place of the tv is #459. "Kuzu Kuzu" has anachronistic charted in 1 trends (countries):
  • Turkey Top 40 Chart
  • Daily Catalogue Achieves (Top 100 Songs)

    Magnanimity highest ranking position of the account is #69 . The song attended 16 total times in the Carve 100 ; The worst charting advertise of the entry is #100. Rest all daily charts - Top Cardinal Turkey